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Afghanistan Women's Political Participation Network Calls August 15th a Dark and Ominous Day for the People of Afghanistan

August 7, 2024

Zan News

Zan News: On the eve of the third anniversary of the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, the Afghanistan Women's Political Participation Network has labeled August 15th as a "dark and ominous day" for the country and has called on the international community to support the Afghan people.

In a statement released on Tuesday (August 6), the network described August 15th as the day when "the international community handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban, destroying the lives of millions of Afghans."

According to the network, this day symbolizes the unwarranted transfer of power to a "terrorist group" and the crushing of the hopes and dreams of the Afghan people.

The network emphasized that "this bitter day should serve as a reminder for the unity and solidarity of the Afghan people to strive for the restoration of freedom, justice, and human rights." It also stressed that Afghanistan should not be forgotten and that a strong global movement for the country's freedom should be formed.

The statement noted that "Afghan women have historically faced numerous challenges and hardships, and the situation for women under the Taliban has reached its most critical point. Women have been deprived of their fundamental rights and face issues such as domestic violence, forced marriages, gender discrimination, and lack of access to higher education."

The Afghanistan Women's Political Participation Network also mentioned that "since the Taliban's takeover, more than 65 written decrees and numerous unwritten orders and ruthless regulations have been issued, resulting in the restriction and persecution of the people, especially women and girls. The Taliban, through establishing desert courts, proxy wars, massacres, and assaults, have proven to be dangerous for Afghanistan and the world."

The network has called on the international community to recognize the gender apartheid in Afghanistan, to oust the Taliban from power, and to bring them to justice.

In conclusion, the Afghanistan Women's Political Participation Network urged the international community to listen to the voices of the Afghan people regarding the problems the Taliban have caused, to cease supporting the Taliban, and to continue political pressures and sanctions on this group, especially on their "criminal" leaders.

The statement ends with the slogan "Education, Work, Freedom," emphasizing that the Afghan people do not accept the Taliban and will continue to fight until Afghanistan is free.

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