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Afghan Women and Girls Constitute One-Fifth of EU Asylum Applicants in 2023
June 20, 2024
Zan News
Zan News: The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has announced that Afghan women and girls made up over one-fifth of all asylum applicants to the EU in 2023.
In a recent report, the EUAA stated that women, girls, and other vulnerable groups in Afghanistan continue to face severe threats of persecution.
According to the report, Afghan citizens submitted approximately 118,000 asylum applications to EU countries in 2023, which represents a slight decrease compared to 2022.
The report highlights that over one-fifth of all asylum applicants were Afghan women and girls.
It also notes that Germany remains the primary destination for Afghan asylum seekers, with the acceptance rate of Afghan asylum applications in EU countries standing at 55%, meaning that about half of the applicants were granted asylum.
Previously, the EUAA had announced that women in Afghanistan qualify for asylum due to persecution and oppression by the Taliban.
This comes as, since the Taliban's takeover, women have been banned from education, employment, and participating in many public places, and severe restrictions have been placed on their travel.
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